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How to create a functional journal?

Finding your planning style and making your journal functional takes effort, but it is definitely worth it. A bullet journal is a great tool for organizing your thoughts, tasks, and goals, but it can only be truly effective if it is tailored to your unique needs and preferences. In this post, we will explore some tips and tricks for discovering your planning style and making your journal work for you.

Get a blank notebook and start experimenting.

The best way to experiment is going to be to get a blank notebook — something you feel comfortable using and messing up because you are trying to find your style and it might get messy. So buy a notebook that is simple and minimal like our Lay Flat Notebook.

Try out different layouts and formats.

The reason why I recommend starting with a blank notebook instead of starting with XYZ planner is that you can change your system day to day. A blank notebook means it is completely customizable. Try out different layouts and formats to see which one works best for you. Some people prefer a linear layout, where tasks and events are listed in chronological order, while others prefer a more free-form layout that allows for more flexibility and creativity.

Get inspired here.

Use just one pen throughout.

Make your experimentations as simple and as basic as possible. Forget about all the fancy decorations and accessories. Adding decorations does not make your journal more functional, it actually hinders the process of creating one.

Analyze your needs and priorities.

What are the most important things in your life? Are you a student who needs to prioritize studying and assignments? Then you would need a lot of space for note-taking. Are you a busy professional with a demanding job? Then your priorities should be event tracking and managing tasks. Identifying your priorities will help you focus your journal on the things that matter most to you.

Improve your planning style.

Reflections! Make notes on what worked and what didn’t. When you write everything in your blank notebook, you have all your experimentations in one place and that makes it easier to reflect on how functional they were for you.

Find inspiration.

Take a look at other people's bullet journals for inspiration and ideas. There are countless resources available online, including blogs, Instagram accounts, and YouTube videos, that can help you discover new ways to use and customize your journal.

By following these tips you can discover your planning style and make your journal functional and tailored to your unique needs.